Hey there, fellow romance novel enthusiasts!

When I started writing my novel “You Are My Sunshine”, I didn’t know that settings were NOT supposed to be hefty descriptions of each and everything my character was seeing.

So, in this post, we are going to talk about what NOT to do when describing a setting in your romantic comedy novel. Let’s get started!

Don’t get too descriptive. When it comes to setting, less is often more. While it’s important to establish the location and environment in which your characters are interacting, going into too much detail about the architecture or decor can slow down the pace of your story and take away from the focus on the characters and their relationships.

Avoid overusing cliches. We all love a good, quaint coffee shop or a picturesque park, but if you’re relying on these cliched romantic spots in every chapter, your readers are going to get bored. Think outside the box and get creative with your settings!

Don’t forget about the mood. The setting of a scene should not only describe the physical environment but also contribute to the mood and tone. If your characters are having a heart-to-heart conversation, a busy, noisy street corner might not be the best choice. Consider the atmosphere you want to create and choose a setting that supports it.

Don’t ignore the sensory details. One of the best ways to bring a setting to life is to engage the reader’s senses. Think about what your characters see, hear, smell, taste, and touch in the environment around them. This will help bring the scene to life for the reader and create a more immersive experience.

Don’t forget to show, not tell. When describing your setting, it’s tempting to simply tell the reader what’s happening, but this can come across as dull and unengaging. Instead, try to show the reader what’s going on through your characters’ experiences and observations.

So there you have it guys! Avoid these pitfalls, and you’ll be well on your way to creating memorable and engaging settings for your romantic comedy novel.

If you have any tips of your own for writing unique and interesting settings, feel free to share them in the comments below.

Happy writing!

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